Sunday, December 7, 2008

on Don Quixote 9

I laughed out loud when Sancho was leaving to his governorship and DQ was giving him advice on how to be a good governor. DQ had just finished scolding Sancho for using proverbs in his speech so often, but then in the next paragraph he himself says, "Be moderate in sleeping, for the man who does not get up with the sun does not possess the day; and remember, Sancho, that dilligence is the mother of good fortune, and sloth, her opposite, never reached the conclusion demanded by good intentions" (734). I thought this was a perfect example of how Sancho and DQ switch roles from time to time. Another part where this happens is when Sancho is governor and he speaks very wisely when deciding cases and such. He speaks like Don Quixote sometimes, then reverts back to his old speech with a proverb every other phrase. Cervantes dose such a good job of gradually making Sancho and Don Quixote rub off on each other.

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